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Front End (Student side)

Screenshots of the front end (the student side) of the system.

Front End (Student side) - Quiz
Quiz (6)

The MoARS system includes quizzes for students. Here you can see some screenshots of quiz pages.

Front End (Student side) - Survey
Survey (6)

The MoARS system includes surveys. In this section, you can see some screenshots of surveys.

Front End (Student side) - Language Packs

If you download and install a language pack, your students can see the MOARS student pages in their own language(s). Installation is easy. See the language pack download area for details.

Peer Assessment Survey Add-on

The Peer Assessment Survey add-on (download here) allows you to use a single survey for peer evaluation of an entire class of students, so that each student has an individual shortcut dedicated to the feedback of their presentation, poster session, etc.

Back End (Teacher side)

The teacher manages the system through a web browser. Here are some screenshots of that.

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