MOARS Presentation May 28 in Nagasaki Print
Articles - News
Written by Bill Pellowe   
Monday, 14 February 2011 10:00

NewsMOARS, the free, open-source Mobile Audience Response System for students to use with iPod Touch, iPhones, and other mobile browsers, will be featured in the second half of Nagasaki JALT's meeting on May 28th at the Dejima Koryu Kaikan in Nagasaki.

The title of this presentation is Active Participation through Student Response. In the first half of the presentation, Paul Shimizu and Bill Pellowe will demonstrate a low-tech student response system they've developed using simple, 2-sided answer paddles. See their website at for complete details.

In the second half, Bill Pellowe will give a demonstration of MOARS. He'll demonstrate how teachers can easily create web-based quizzes and surveys for students to take on mobile devices such as iPod Touch, mobile phones, etc. Participants are encouraged to bring their iPhone or iPod Touch so that they can take part in the demonstration.

For full details, see Active Participation through Student Response on ELT Calendar.